How to make a commercial videos in 6 easy steps


It’s awesome that you are here. I’m sure you have a business that you look forward to promoting online and that’s the reason you are reading this post. You should know that we’re now in the era of doing so many things online including our business and that the old way of advertising on TV stations or radio is going extinct. Yeah, our business is online and so we must market it online.

Not long ago, a study was carried out and it was found that six out of ten people prefer watching videos online to watching television. And even at that, you cannot compare the price of an advertisement on television with the one you do online. So with this, you know what’s in for this era’s successful marketing strategy. You will surely need a commercial that can be promoted on online platforms no matter the kind of business you’re into.

Steps to Create a Commercial Video

The following steps will guide you through the process of researching, creating, and marketing your commercial. A whole new way to produce Commercial Videos. Now, let’s see;

  1. Brainstorm your ideas and create scripts

The first step would be to brainstorm, think and analyze how you wish to present your commercials. You do not need to be hard on yourself while doing this, you should just keep noting your points and ideas on paper as there are no wrong or right ideas at this stage. What is most important is your ability to come out with something great at the end of the brainstorming. You could even seek the ideas of two or more people from your team when doing this.

When you have your first idea ready, then you’ll need to tailor your attention to creating a more detailed, unique, and well-structured idea. When you achieve this, then you can begin the process of writing a video script that’ll help to guide you through the remaining process. Writing a video script is simple, however, if you do not know how to, you could simply use google or YouTube videos to learn that.

  1. Set up your storyboard

After the creation of the script, the next step to do to make a nice commercial will be to produce a storyboard. The storyboard will present the audio, footage, text, images, stickers, and other elements that you require to make a well-structured and beautiful video.

If you do not know how to make a commercial storyboard, you could probably go to Google for help.

  1. Create your video

You may or may not be required to use a new facility to make a good commercial. You may not necessarily require produced footage but that still relies on the feature of the commercial you want to create.

If probably there are footage and b-roll in your storage, then you could create a template that suits your requirements. You can then plug in your already made content to produce a commercial for you. Just within a few minutes, you’ll be done with it.

If also you do not need to include footage to insert into your commercial, then you can also make your video content right from home and with a phone with a nice camera. When doing this though, you wouldn’t want to compromise the standard of your video, so make sure you use a good phone. You can also get an expert-level shoot when you search for it online.

  1. Edit your commercial

This is one interesting and simple part to do. With the above step, you would already have your video, now you can use Vimeo or some other tools to create your commercial. You can decide to begin your design from the least or choose some templates online. Several templates exist and if you are using one, then you should know you’ll be using an already existing structure.

  1. Download, share, and publish

Now that you already have your commercial made, it is now time to download, share and publish it online. If you use Vimeo in creating your commercial, then it’ll just be simple to download and share the video with other people. You can also generate a code that’ll lead people to watch your commercial directly. Just be sure of the tools you use when creating your commercial, it should always be one that you can easily download and share the video when you are done. Also, make sure that your commercial can be easily viewed on a smartphone and so you must choose the right software for use.

  1. Keep an eye on the results and performance

Now that you are finally done and your video is there online for many people to see, you would want to check if the video is meeting up with targets. You wouldn’t just fold your arms at this stage, you’ll need to keep a track record of how the video is performing. If you are using Vimeo, then it’ll be easy to follow up with the success of the video so you can adjust on your next commercials. Check out for the views, engagement, time watched so you could properly analyze the progress of the video.

Krista Warren
Krista Warren
Krista Warren is an Admin of Tech Voke. Passionate about all things tech, She has a keen love of everything visual but also writes about the latest, new tech products and sustainability.


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