AI Assisted SEO Copywriting – Optimize Your Copy


As a content writer, you know that writing quality SEO copy is essential to getting your website seen by the right people. You also know that it can be difficult to produce quality content on a consistent basis. This is where AI-assisted SEO copywriting comes in. With the help of tools like SurferSEO and Jasper, you can get high-quality, keyword-rich content written for you automatically! This can help improve your productivity and allow you to focus on other aspects of your business.

Intro: The History of Writing Assistant Tools

We all know that AI-Assisted content writing sounds like a thing of the future at times, and we always hear things like “it will be too hard for it to be any good” or “can even a machine sound convincing to people?”.

But, as a matter of fact, you’ve used tools to assist you in writing for a long time already.

Are you looking for the best and cheap laptop for writing content? Then you are looking for a writing assistant, in this case, something that allows you to write content and save it to a digital file inside it or in the cloud.

Or ever wondered if you could just find the perfect keyboard for writing and typing? Guess what, you are already searching for a writing assistant, in this case, to boost up your productivity.

So, as long as they are used as assisting tools and not as your replacement, what is there to fear? On the contrary, you should be looking forward to getting their benefits in terms of productivity and quality of your work.

1. What is AI-assisted SEO copywriting and how can it help you?


AI-assisted SEO copywriting is a process that uses artificial intelligence to help content writers write better SEO copy. This is especially useful for beginners or solo writers who need to boost their productivity and get better results out of the box. Tools such as SurferSEO and Jasper can help you achieve better SEO copywriting out of the box.


SurferSEO is a tool that uses artificial intelligence to help content writers write better SEO copy. It can help you improve your productivity and get better results out of the box.

With SurferSEO, you can automatically generate high-quality, keyword-rich content for your website. This can help you boost your SEO efforts and get more traffic to your site.

What usually took hours of analysis and some knowledge of SEO can now be performed by anyone in minutes thanks to SurferSEO’s AI analysis, and is especially useful for beginners or solo writers who are looking for a productivity boost without hiring staff.

With SurferSEO, you can get help with:

  • Generating better ideas for your content
  • Researching the best keywords to use
  • Optimizing your content for specific keywords
  • Writing catchy headlines and meta descriptions
  • And more!

If you’re looking to boost your productivity and write better SEO copy, SurferSEO is a great tool to check out.

Jasper is a tool that uses artificial intelligence to help content writers write any kind of text, including SEO Copywriting. It’s one of the many tools out there that use AI to help with content writing, and it’s one of the most popular ones.

Some of’s main features include: 

  • The ability to understand different niches and industries, so you can get specific help with your SEO copywriting
  • The ability to understand different keywords and how they should be used in your copy
  • Detailed feedback on your copy, including suggestions for improvement and tips on how to make your content more SEO friendly is a great tool for anyone who wants to improve their SEO copywriting skills, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced writer.

2. How do SurferSEO and Jasper help with AI-assisted SEO copywriting?


Both SurferSEO and Jasper are great tools for boosting your productivity when it comes to AI-assisted SEO copywriting. SurferSEO is a great tool for finding keywords and related data, while Jasper is a fantastic tool for creating text that can help improve your content. When used together, they can help you create better SEO copy that will generate better results.

Jasper even comes with a SuferSEO integration where you can see in real-time how is the AI-Assisted content doing in terms of the optimal SEO content for your blog post or website page, and allows you to adjust on the go.

For instance, it’s saved me at least 40 hours each week, considering I have 4 websites to write for, so it’s pretty much like having a full-time assistant for a bit more than $150/month.

SurferSEO helps you find keywords to use in your content based on your competition for the main keywords in your article or website. With this, you can have a solid basis that can drive your copy in the right direction.

Then, you start writing your copy and have Jasper help you get unblocked by suggesting a little bit of text, maybe your next paragraph, or simply rephrasing a concept to make it more catchy based on your target audience.

3. Why is AI-assisted SEO copywriting a better option for beginners and solo writers?

SEO copywriting is a great way to improve your website’s ranking on search engines, but it can be difficult to know where to start. That’s where AI-assisted SEO copywriting comes in.

AI-assisted SEO copywriting is a better option for beginners and solo writers because it helps you to:

  • Understand the basics of SEO copywriting
  • Improve your writing skills
  • Get feedback on your work so you can improve your content

AI-assisted SEO copywriting is also a great option for beginners because it’s a more affordable way to get help with your content. You don’t need to hire a professional writer, and you can get help with creating content that is both SEO friendly and engaging.

For solo writers, AI-assisted SEO copywriting is a great way to boost your productivity. You can get help with finding keywords and creating content that is both informative and interesting. This can help you to write better content faster and more easily.

4. Is AI-assisted copywriting affected by the Google Helpful Content Update?


Google shocked the world of SEO with its “Helpful Content Update”, especially for those who owned websites that were completely generated using AI.

However, the update itself was harmful only for those websites that simply focused on gathering a big amount of keywords per page without actually talking about the topic any of their keywords was aimed at nor solving a specific question or giving any information at all.

As long as you use AI writing as an assistant to help you produce better, more helpful content, you will be just fine and will become even more popular because now you won’t have (at least in theory) the harmful “catch-all” competition of the big keyword fishing nets.

What is the Google Helpful Content Update?

SEO copywriting has always been a critical skill for online marketers. But in today’s world, it’s even more important than ever before. That’s because, with the advent of Google’s Helpful Content Update, website owners who want to rank high in search engine results pages (SERPs) need to produce high-quality content that provides real value to their audience.

In a recent blog post, Google announced that they would be giving extra weight to websites that published “helpful content.” What this means is that if you want to rank higher in search engine results pages, you need to produce content that is genuinely useful and helpful to your audience.

This update is great news for website owners who are already producing high-quality content. But there was a certain state of alarm among those that based their content on AI-written content.

5. How can you get started with AI-assisted SEO copywriting today?

If you’re looking to start boosting your SEO copywriting today, then you’ll need to start using AI-assisted tools. Tools like SurferSEO and Jasper can help you get started with better results right out of the box. They can help you improve your productivity and get better SEO copywriting out of the box.

So, how can you get started with AI-assisted SEO copywriting today? First, you’ll need to find a tool that fits your needs. SurferSEO and Jasper are both great options, but there are many others on the market. Once you’ve found a tool that works for you, start playing around with it and see what it can do. You may be surprised at how much easier and more efficient AI-assisted SEO copywriting can be.


Copywriting is a complex process that can be improved with the help of AI-assisted tools. By using tools like SurferSEO and Jasper, you can improve your productivity and get better SEO copywriting out of the box.

So, how can you get started with AI-assisted SEO copywriting today? First, find a tool that fits your needs.

Then, start playing around with it and see what it can do. You may be surprised at how much easier and more efficient AI-assisted SEO copywriting can be.

What are your thoughts on AI-assisted SEO copywriting? Let us know in the comments below!

Do you think AI-assisted SEO copywriting is a good idea? Why or why not? Share your thoughts in the comments below! Thanks for reading! 🙂

Krista Warren
Krista Warren
Krista Warren is an Admin of Tech Voke. Passionate about all things tech, She has a keen love of everything visual but also writes about the latest, new tech products and sustainability.


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